An ok reading month last month. Favorite was caraval
Breezy: "This story actually takes place on the subway. A schizophrenic boy goes missing in the tunnels. It's fun to venture around the city while reading this kind of book. I was in New York for a few years, left, and came back a few months ago. I don't like staying in one spot for too long. No matter where I am, I always try to keep a few books on me. Books are absolutely important to me. I can't stand still. The same goes for my mind."
My version of #PlanesTrainsAndAutomobiles consists mostly of the NYC Subway System. Also, hey, it's #Recommendsday, so why not offer Lowboy, a great NYC Bildungsroman-ish novel that largely takes place underground. #PhotoADayNov16
Reason #5243 to love New York. Full article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/29/nyregion/new-york-subway-free-e-books.html (P.S. I chose John Wray's Lowboy for this post because the majority of the novel takes place in the subway.)