My 10 favorite books of 2024. Number 6.
To describe this novel, I'll use a word that is banned in this fictional setting, and that word is "brilliant." In a culture that becomes more stupid by the day--and one that is based less and less on merit--this is the perfect novel for the times that we are living in.
Readers who enjoyed this novel might also enjoy "How I Became Stupid" by Martin Page. #2024Book19
...ever acknowledged even to herself that she'd asked for it. I wasn't trying to make myself happy. I was trying to make the certain someone unhappy.
Moreover, social hysterias do not stand still. If they are not yet losing steam, they are getting worse. And this one was getting worse. Radical movements keep ratcheting up their demands, because nothing enervates a cause more than success. Crusaders resent having their cause stolen out from under them by the fulfillment of their quest; reaching the promised land leaves seekers bereft. There's little to do in a utopian oasis but sip coconut water
In the not too distant future society seeks to have gone mad.
Mental party is the new "norm" in society.
Using certain words is taboo and outright banned, stupid, idiot, dumb are all cuss words and a hate crime.
Hence to create unity and equality we have vastly under qualified people doing top jobs.
Pearson bucks the trend and dares to speak out against the system and thereby shatters a long term friendship with Emory.
A very thought provoking story. Please use this link to read my review of this interesting book