Curled up with Jazz, catching up on a bit of reading before work today! 😻💕📚 #jupiterjazz #catsoflitsy
Curled up with Jazz, catching up on a bit of reading before work today! 😻💕📚 #jupiterjazz #catsoflitsy
I came across this book today at work, and it gave me an immediate burst of joy! 🥰 I remember reading and absolutely loving this book when I was in 3rd grade! I think I'm going to do a reread of it, especially with spring (hopefully) right around the corner! 💕📚
Cute story about the relationship between humans and animals. Loved the dialects. The ending was very sweet. #NewberyEpicChallenge #ReadtheUSA2021 #Connecticut
There's an awful lot of books, though. Don't hold much with that. People that reads books much seem to be queer-like. Grandpa always said, 'Readin' rots the mind.' Don't know but what he was right."
#NewberyEpicChallenge @amber_ldsmom
I ended up enjoying this quick middle grade read. New folks are coming to the hill and all of the small animals are hoping they‘re good folk. I loved the message that “there is enough for all,” even if it is a tad socialist. I read this because it‘s on the Battle of the Books list this year and because it‘s a Newbery Medal winner.
Animals around an abandoned country house excited because rumor of a new family moving in. Could help with food supply because food has been scarce. Will have to decide if these are good folks or bad folks for animals.
I think my younger students would really enjoy this as a read aloud. #NewberyChallenge
This was a quick and fun read of a Newbery award winner, one of the many where the animals come alive and give you an idea of how they see the world. I enjoyed this one!