I got about 25% through, and I just can't pay attention to this one. Although it did prompt me to finally check into getting dual Spanish-American citizenship through my grandpa. I might try picking it up again when I'm in a different mood.
I got about 25% through, and I just can't pay attention to this one. Although it did prompt me to finally check into getting dual Spanish-American citizenship through my grandpa. I might try picking it up again when I'm in a different mood.
This is a big, broad, expansive novel, that crosses decades, borders, and political climates. It‘s a tangled web of complex, flawed family history. It is always compelling, but managed to grow on me the more I read. A gritty look at identity, statehood, belonging, family (and all its attendant duties), and love. I know it will reward a reread. How did this miss the shortlist? I don‘t know.
The irony of this title. 120 pages in and nothing has happened. Mundane details that go on and on and make me want to poke my eyes out with a pencil in order to have some emotional reaction. #booker2024