Fun listen. I wasn‘t really a doll girl, but I was very into the Kirsten, Samantha and Molly books—the original three that were out when I was prime American Girl age.
Fun listen. I wasn‘t really a doll girl, but I was very into the Kirsten, Samantha and Molly books—the original three that were out when I was prime American Girl age.
With its mix of AG fangirling and academia-trained analysis, this book was right up my alley — though I did find myself wanting more depth at times (and definitely would have preferred a tighter structure). But I loved this stroll down memory lane as a way to appreciate what the brand still means to so many, while also examining critically its faults and missteps.
Maybe it‘s time to get my Samantha doll out of storage?
I‘m the exact audience for this book and it absolutely spoke to me! My mom gave my American Girl doll (Kirsten!) when I was about 8 years old for Christmas. I have such fond memories of her and this book brought to mind much of my 90s childhood, such as the series of books and accessories that went along with the dolls. This is authored by two “Molly”s who host a podcast about AG and share personal stories along with facts about this fandom.