Here‘s to a weekend of reading.
Here‘s to a weekend of reading.
Really liked Lenny, a nearly 40 year old fifth grade teacher who has had one tough life and a peculiar view on living her challenging life. She‘s got so much to overcome yet her bravery pulls her forward and continues to change her life. This is a story of hope and love and living your best life. Thanks for recommending, Char. I would never have found this book without you!
@thegreensofa @monalyisha #auldlangspine
Even though it took me a month to finish this, I really loved it!
I loved Lenny‘s quirks and all the Friends and LOTR references.
The story was also not what I was expecting, and I‘m so glad. It just made the book more enjoyable.
I struggled with this book during the first half. The second half made up for it but I felt like the title was misleading because I thought it would be a mystery and it was not. It was more of a finding yourself and coming to terms with who you are type book.
This story starts with a character type we have seen often, the woman who is a little odd, obviously neurodivergent, trying to make her way in the world. This novel is different though, as Lenny's back story is dark and explains much of her behavior. While the book certainly has some disturbing moments it never feels like too much, as there is humour as well. I really enjoyed this one and loved Lenny. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC. 4/5!
Looks can be deceiving! This is a very good, emotional tale!
An absolute wonderful book. This book is a must read. I enjoyed it from start to finish. Well done. A debut.
Full review: https://lsmoore49.blogspot.com/2024/07/lenny-marks-gets-away-with-murder-by.html
This debut novel by Australian Kerryn Mayne has me champing at the bit for her second work. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#lenny-marks-gets-away-with-murder
Today—July 9—is publication day.
#NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #StMartinsPress #LennyMarksGetsAwayWithMurder
Happy Pub Day
I'll finish this one today. It's very good. A must read.
You will fall in love with Lenny right from the start, and then your heart will break for her as you continue through the book.
Her sweet, naive, always-follow-the-rules personality will endear you to her.
A truly touching, but heartbreaking book you won‘t want to put down, and with Lenny being someone you would love to befriend and help bring out of her shell.
I tried not to start a new book during my own challenge and failed! But I am also trying to read and review my ARCs closer to publication date.
So far, this is enjoyable. Giving me Eleanor Oliphant vibes! ❤️
You will fall in love with Lenny right from the start, and then your heart will break for her as you continue through the book.
Her sweet, naive, always-follow-the-rules personality will endear you to her.
A truly touching, but heartbreaking book you won‘t want to put down, and with Lenny being someone you would love to befriend and help bring out of her shell.
A marvelous debut with a heartfelt storyline and wonderful characters.