MG diary/graphic novel. LMAO at this bit. Which team are you?
MG diary/graphic novel. LMAO at this bit. Which team are you?
I really enjoyed this sweet story of Tuva and her time navigating friendships during the 7th grade in Norway. The notes in the back informed me that 7th grade there is the last year before junior high, a big transition into teenager life. I think this perfectly captured how awkward it can be to navigate the changes of this time in life. ⬇ï¸
Nighty night! This had me thinking about the interesting linguistic practice of reduplication, the repetition of syllables, words, etc. This one is exact reduplication, but there‘s also rhyming (artsy-fartsy), ablaut (mishmash), sch- (fancy-schmancy), and others. Holy-moly!
#weirdwords #weirdwordWednesdays @CBee
In this graphic novel, the MC‘s dad makes playlists for her, which I love. But I absolutely adore how the artist includes the playlist in context. I love when authors do this!
Aw, this 2024 Stonewall winner perfectly captures that awkward time just before high school when it seems everybody around you is maturing and you aren‘t sure how to catch up, or even if you want to. Add in that Tuva might not want a boyfriend, but a girlfriend. Fantastic graphic novel.
This book came into the library and I thought the cover was cute so I thought what the heck I'll read it. I'm glad I did. It was a great story about a girl whose friends are growing up too fast for her. She's confused as to what she wants. Does she want to remain a tomboy and just hang out in the bog or does she want to start dating and wear makeup? Hmm... Graphics are great and the ending was sweet.