How I pictured Sadie Grace (Kaelen Ohm who plays Mari on From)
What an interesting story with wonderfully strange characters! I devoured this one pretty quick (for my personal speed).
For my book club we read Red Rabbit, which I would characterize as a spaghetti horror western. A ragtag group set off across the plains to collect a bounty on a witch, running into all sorts of horrors along the way. It was a bloody ride! But there‘s more at play than the group realizes. I loved the two cowboys, Ned and Moses. This is a genre I would love to read more of! The cover is also gorgeous.
@ImperfectCJ tysm!!!! obsessed with this book sleeve 😍💀 then to top it off with the perfect books. I can not wait to devour Red Rabbit. The feather bookmark is already in my current read 💕
Happy opening day everyone!! @MaleficentBookDragon #ahrs24 #allhallowsreadswap