SHOCKER!!!! 🤦🏾🙄
A dark read for my afternoon bubble bath on an overcast afternoon. ☁️??☁️
Only a few chapters in, but I don't want to put this down. A middle-aged, soon-to-be divorcee finds passion and excitement when she reconnects with "the one that got away," in college. But he seems to know a lot about her for someone she's only spoken to a few times online since then...
Cont'd in comments... ⬇️
A soft pick, almost a so-so, but it was a really bingeable domestic thriller, it all made sense in the end, but it was weird. So weird. Good slump buster fodder, I might forget the plot on a day or 2 & I have a major gripe that I‘ll spoiler below-
But I did not predict the outcome at all, it really broke out from the formula
This was an Amazon First Read that didn't sit on my Kindle for months like they usually do 😄
Eden is going through a separation and losing touch with her teenage daughter when she decides to message an old college crush on Facebook.
Things escalate quickly when he responds.
Starved for affection, Eden ignores all the red flags and finds herself and her loved ones in great danger.
I was along for the ride.