Pretty thrilled w/ my library haul. It is my understanding that Popisho is a reference to something in Leone Ross's book, but I pref the original title One Sky Day. Still looking forward to what promises to be a wild ride.
Pretty thrilled w/ my library haul. It is my understanding that Popisho is a reference to something in Leone Ross's book, but I pref the original title One Sky Day. Still looking forward to what promises to be a wild ride.
I'm not really sure why I decided to read this book by Violet Kupersmith, probably because of the cover and because it has Asian characters 😬. I normally don't pick up books of short stories, but I'll give them more of a glance from now on because of this beautifully written book.
Full short review at https://mydearwatsonbooks.wordpress.com/2018/11/19/the-frangipani-hotel/.
(pic from #Goodreads)
So I noticed that I have A LOT of unread short story collections. Here are most of the ones I own, not counting the the ones on my Kindle. I've read some, but a majority of these books have gone unread.
I'm going to start reading at least one short story a day beginning with the those in the Frangipani Hotel. I read the first short story months ago and loved it. These are Vietnamese ghost stories that reflect on the impact of the Vietnam War.