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5 Minutes to Stress Relief
5 Minutes to Stress Relief: How to Release Fear, Worry, and Doubt...Instantly | Lauren Miller
4 posts | 1 read
Stress has three main fuels: worry, fear, and doubt. They act like little serpents that crawl into the lap of your life and wreak havoc emotionally, spiritually, and physically. But you have the ability to identify and dismiss these serpents that are trying to hinder your ability to maintain inner calm, clarity of focus, and a motivated response to all of life. 5 Minutes to Stress Relief will give you the specific skills and tools to: Identify and relieve stress Access personal excellence in your thought life to create positive transformation in your physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences Activate your God-given natural state of being Stress is often called the silent killer. As someone who battled the stress of advanced cancer and divorcesimultaneouslyLauren equips you with the ability to successfully handle any stressful situation...instantly.
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I have mixed-feeling. This book had a lot of helpful content for how to manage stress. However, it discusses neuro linguistic programming as a way to manage stress. NLP is the pseudoscience that has been used in the NXIVM cult. It can make people more susceptible to gaslighting. I‘m not a fan of that part of the book.

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“Look your perfectionism program right in the eyes and make a mental shift as you remember that you are enough just as you are, doing or not doing.”

“Explore the personal benefits of accomplishing your goal to yourself and others. Focus on doing what you do because you want to, not because you need to. Avoid guilt words, such as “need” and “have to.” Guilt will keep you stuck.”

#Procrastination #MentalHealth #Anxiety

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“Perfectionism and procrastination walk hand in hand: “If I do what I want or feel that I need to do, and the end result is not perfect, then I have failed. So, to avoid the emotions and experience of failure, I will put this project off for a while. In this way, I‘m safe.”

#MentalHealth #Procrastination #Anxiety

Tamra Yes, the two definitely go hand in hand. I will avoid something because it order to do it up to some arbitrary standard it will take a big chunk of time. I am learning to let go and be uncomfortable - which in the end I find out is not earth shattering or really anything at all. 😉 12mo
Kerrbearlib @Tamra that‘s something I am working on too ❤️ 12mo
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“When we worry about what other people will think, we end up becoming our own publicist and exhaust ourselves by protecting our reputation. We stress out doing daily damage control when we could be putting that energy toward learning, growing, and creating solutions.”

Tulip photo from my dentist‘s office.