4 ⭐ This book was adorable. It‘s about two young ladies who are at the school for young Royals, but they really want to be at the school for villains. They tried playing pranks on the other girls at the school just to have them not turn out the way they were expecting. Is there a real villain at the school? I think so but I also think it‘s what helps drive this story.
I have a complaint for scholastic. The word princess or princesses is only used three times in this entire book. Instead, the book is a mix of Spanish and English known as Spanglish. Repetitively throughout this book, the words, Princesa, and Princessa‘s, as well as professas, are used instead of its equivalent. I think Scholastic is not using the Spanglish in the title of the book and only let it be throughout the pages. We need more diverse bo 6mo