Shakespeare, Ogun, Orisha, and Fae. Enjoyable YA mashup. Liked that young Joan was in charge of the blades and fighting choreography for the players. The ending wasn‘t bad, though not generally a fan of cliffhangers.
Shakespeare, Ogun, Orisha, and Fae. Enjoyable YA mashup. Liked that young Joan was in charge of the blades and fighting choreography for the players. The ending wasn‘t bad, though not generally a fan of cliffhangers.
My first talk was about two Austen adaptations. I loved the discussion with both of these authors- who are clearly passionate austenites and a little nerdy. Brittany Williams shared she is passionate about sword fights and keeps a rapier in her office to help her write technically accurate sword fights.
I wanted to love this book because of the cover and premise but it just fell flat unfortunately. I liked it okay but wouldn‘t reread and would maybe try the next book in the series out of curiosity. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Historical fiction set in Shakesperean London? ✔️
- Sword fights? ✔️
- Fae? ✔️