My kind of valentine 🥰
It‘s February with hearts and Valentines everywhere which Sora finds depressing. She is a difficult to like character because she is so self deprecating and self sabotaging. A few annoying issues for me dealt with the mention of bacon so many times. The other issue is that poor one eyed dog, Larry. Every time she mentions his mishaps bumping into things it made me cringe! There are some redeeming qualities I just found them annoying.
I liked this, but the constant reminder that he fell in love with her in kindergarten was weird. Sora saved him from bullies and that led to a life long crush/love? Not quite buying that, plus bring up kindergarten all the time is strange. But I loved the #GoSolo for February that Sora did, how she found her strength and worked out family issues.
I'm grateful to have received a free #ARC of this one, but the downside of ARCs is that "womp womp" feeling when you don't love it. There's a lot of promise in Tanamachi's writing, but I think my biggest gripe was that, for a book supposedly about self love, there seemed to be a lot of fat-shaming simmering under the surface (disguised by self-deprecating humor that often fell flat). Not bad, just not great. ⭐️⭐️⭐️