The strength of this series is in the details on Venice. Personal, police wise, and general ways of seeing the world and living there.
The strength of this series is in the details on Venice. Personal, police wise, and general ways of seeing the world and living there.
So much darkness in this book, but Leon has a way of turning phrases that are almost poetic. The casual dark and snarky humor thrown in helps to slightly lighten the subject matter. Brunetti is very methodical - he tends to build character studies of suspects and witnesses, and the reader gets to hear his thoughts thanks to Leon‘s writing. My appreciation for this series is growing. I can see why so many love this series! #19822022 #1995
Not Gamache. But enjoyable. Nice to be in Venice.
This series is such a great escape. The story was fascinating and kept my interest throughout. I don‘t usually read a mystery this fast! The ending sets up some interesting potential dynamics between some of the characters in future installments. Interesting, though, that Goodreads shows this title, rather than the one tagged. But the book is more than 20 years old; I‘ll have to check to see if reissued with new title.
I thought I‘d try this next, although I‘m having second thoughts. With all that is happening in Italy right now, we‘ll see if I can stay with it or need to put it down.
1. The tagged book series by Donna Leon. If you love anything Italian and a good mystery
2.fantasy/sci fi, romance
3. A labrador retriever named Mojo, and two kitties named Spuddie and Rosie. I will always have a kitty.😍 (I had 6 one time, rescues)
4. Probably 300. A little rural hamlet that is country living at its finest.
#sundaysurvey. @alisonrose
#coffeeeandbooks #Sundaymorning #Spooky
Quiet morning, rainy, church bells ringing. Spooky plate, a gift from a teacher on field trip to Salem, MA, spooky book, but no spooky mug. Taking a break from Elegance of Hedgehog- ended last night with reading of Renee‘s exploration of phenomenology and Edmund Husserl- felt I needed my son (studying philosophy now) to decipher her thoughts. Meanwhile, onto D.Leon, library find. ☠️👺😱🎃👻
I love Donna Leon's books, and this one would have been a 4 star except for the fact that the last fifth of the book got seriously disturbing. You don't really see it coming either, which makes it more shocking. I definitely recommend this series so far (and this book is very early on), but this is a 3 star and trigger warnings for sexual violence against women. ⭐️⭐️⭐️