To thine own self be true.
#QuestforthePerfectPencil #readyforthis #LMPBC #LMPBCnC
To thine own self be true.
#QuestforthePerfectPencil #readyforthis #LMPBC #LMPBCnC
Does anyone else love pencils and writing as well as reading? I love my subscription box from #cwpencils
Great books, somewhere in their journey of creation, owe thanks to a pencil! This NY Times article pays beautiful homage to the pencil factory. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/12/magazine/inside-one-of-americas-last-pencil-f...
Conversation I had today:
Me: where is the pencil sharpener?
Office manager: the mechanical pencils? They‘re in the supply closet.
Me: No. pencil sharpener? *shows her my cute pencil*
OM: *blinks* we don‘t have one of those.
Me: Oh ok. I can buy my own. I‘m old school.
OM: *confused face because she has children my age*
Me: Thanks anyway!
#junebookbugs Day12: #canteven
Shout out to all the people who've ever been a little weird about their writing utensils. You know who you are. Other people may not understand that it isn't just a pen or that everything is better when your pencils are sharpened and lined up in descending order. Dio understands. 🙂