Bernard is decidedly not model material. But he's just so cute!
Meanwhile, these poems were not really for me. I dunno, there just wasn't enough 'there' there, ya know?
Bernard is decidedly not model material. But he's just so cute!
Meanwhile, these poems were not really for me. I dunno, there just wasn't enough 'there' there, ya know?
An excellent collection that particularly speaks to the challenges of being a woman and mother in today's complicated world. Highly recommend it to poetry readers!
I like Kate Baer‘s poems, and I like the way she reads them. They always strike me as straightforward but clever. A few in this collection will certainly stick with me.
Baer does it again! I annotated so many pages in this collection. Her ability to write about motherhood and womanhood always resonate with me and this book was no different. I found this collection had stronger themes of death than her last two, possibly because of when it was written, but again it resonated with me. Her writing is so accessible, honest and meaningful.
My favorites were :
There Are Days
Gay Poem
The Truth Is
Not all the poetry was for me. And there is one called Sad Olympics where I connected to only the first five lines, maybe I‘ll work on my own last few lines. The ones I connected with:
Ideal Heaven
These Days
Headstone Suggestions
Without a Moral, There‘s Just a Happy Woman