A cool, conspiracy-laden alternate reality. Great intro, looking forward to reading more
A cool, conspiracy-laden alternate reality. Great intro, looking forward to reading more
Tynion's series tells of FBI agent Cole Turner who is recruited into the Dept of Truth after a bizarre experience at a Flat Earth Theory conference. He learns that reality is shaped by common beliefs & it is the duty of the Dept to curtail wild conspiracies from literally reshaping reality. With Something Is Killing the Children & Nice House on the Lake, Tynion is one of the most interesting gn creators & I'm intrigued to see where this goes.
I‘m not sure I‘m in the mood for a mind-blowing conspiracy theories series at the moment, but if you are, this one is kinda interesting. It reminds me of a mix between X-Files and True Detectives (television) in way. It was recommended by a colleague.
Oh #NCBD, how do I love you? Let me count the ways:
1️⃣ Saga #58
2️⃣ Skottie Young variant covers
3️⃣ Star Wars comics (👀 Han Solo & Chewbacca cover)
4️⃣ Knights of Steel #6 (Batman as a medieval knight!)
5️⃣ Department of Truth, Vol. 3 (when unchecked conspiracy theories become real)
So much great reading & fantastic art today!
Department of Truth is an interesting companion to Once and Future, which is also about how stories become real when people believe them.
What if believing something made it true? In Department of Truth, James Tynion delves into the power of conspiracy thinking. Part X-Files, part Alfred Hitchcock, Department of Truth is paced like a thriller and drawn like a horror story. Despite the dark tone, however, there are some truly funny lines.
I loved James Tynion's Batman comics, so I decided to check out his acclaimed Department of Truth about the power of conspiracy thinking.