This gorgeously wrapped parcel and card came today after a long journey from the US! ❤ #bookcupidswap Yay! Thank you @Texreader
(Reminds me of a previous Vday spent reading great love letters.) #BookCupidSwap @candority
This gorgeously wrapped parcel and card came today after a long journey from the US! ❤ #bookcupidswap Yay! Thank you @Texreader
(Reminds me of a previous Vday spent reading great love letters.) #BookCupidSwap @candority
Hey Litsy friends, I'm back! I have the most stupid reason for my absence but a reason anyway: So I read this book and I didn't know what it was about and then out of a sudden part of it played in Dresden. My hometown and the town I try to return to for quite some time now. Back then I had a job application going and I really liked the thought of my next post being combined about how I got the job and read the book about Dresden at the same time.
Rating: 4/5 stars.
I adore these men and women for all the words they came up with. So good, I've kept it in my "Reread" shelf. ?
When your sister knows and acknowledges the hopeless romantic you are, and gifts you this. Thanks Nish!