I have had this memoir (?) by Amelia Earhart on my TBR for quite some time, and after being on reserve at the library for about six months, it finally appeared!! After reading (and thoroughly enjoying) The Spirit of Saint Louis by Charles Lindbergh, I was expecting a heftier tome (his account runs about 570pgs), but at less than 200pgs, some of which are photos, Earhart's story of being the first female to fly (as a passenger) across the ⬇
This isn't exactly a book I finished and felt like everyone should rush out and read, but it was an easy read with a likable and intelligent narrator, and a worthwhile piece of history to explore, if nothing else than for a glimpse of the aviation industry in its infancy. 3y
#AestheticallyMatched - Somehow this one just fit how I imagine Earhart as a person!! @Clwojick
#RoaringWolf - Finally - @Roary47 @Littlewolf1
#OWLS - Astronomy - Star Struck
#BeattheBacklist2022 - Historical Event 3y