6. Best friends
All the Young Dudes is my first #HarryPotter fanfiction. It is very, very long, and around 50% I just wanted to be done with it. I didn‘t really like the characterization of Remus, and I thought the end could have been a lot more emotional (or maybe I‘m just coldhearted 😅). Nevertheless, the author worked a lot on this and I appreciate all fanfiction writers.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Outstanding HP fanfic centered on Remus Lupin and his relationship with Sirius Black. It‘s on AO2 so it‘s free to read but you have to read it online. It is worth it — it has funny moments but lots of trauma and sadness so beware! https://cannonballread.com/2021/12/all-the-young-dudes-elcicco/