So begins my #rso2022 journey. This is the first book I am reading for #marchrso2022 How long do you reckon I can keep up with the template? See how we go. #canva can‘t help but change and develop, yet sometimes, wouldn‘t it be nice if our favourite apps stayed familiar? urgh, new ways to learn #lifelonglearner #currentlyreading #preview #digitalcopy #loveOzYA #debut
alisiakae What is #rso2022? 3y
Missusb It‘s a standing orders for schools in Australia. We offer schools 4 books a month that are curated by us. We are a small independent bookshop, Riverbend Books in Brisbane. People can pick from 4 different packs. Picture books, primary aged books, middle fiction and secondary books. I help by reading the middle and teen books. I share lots of my #currentreads here. Hope this makes sense. 3y