Happy to be finished; saddened that these do not maintain the fun of the early books. There's an anniversary one shot that just released this fall. I've got my fingers crossed for it.
Happy to be finished; saddened that these do not maintain the fun of the early books. There's an anniversary one shot that just released this fall. I've got my fingers crossed for it.
I am a huge fan of RQ so rating this a So-So hurts me. But what can I say? The story just didn't really make sense (not did I care that much). I recognize I had a huge break between reading all the vol's but my opinion seems to be backed by others. The plot line took a turn that many seemed was way too difficult to follow. The ending suggested this wasn't The End but nothing has materialized yet. (Pic: 2 books from lib, finally got physical card!)
I‘m giving this one a so-so. I loved this irreverent series in the beginning, but this side jaunt into an alternative universe and the issues of recombining the two has been less than a favorite for me….however, I think based on the wink at the end we‘ve realigned, and maybe just maybe the next edition will deal with the original issue instead of running from it.