I truly wanted to prolong this for a bit longer, but in this crazy world the RileyThorn Mysteries have become my favorite escape.
It was fun continuing the journey with these wacky characters. I love this series, I really hope this goes on for many books...although I don't know when I can go and add the next one to my library. Thankfully, I have the first four in this series.
And good thing, because this completed on a grand cliffhanger!
I loved all the main characters in the first book, and they have all returned along with some new ones for this second installment.
This mystery had more moving parts than the first book. There are some warnings ⚠️📚 that I will hide in an ending comment.
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I do want to prolong this series and keep these characters a part of my life for as long as possible, so this 40 day spacing will help with that goal.
Good news, the character Weber should have an even larger role in book three 🤞🏼.
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2- Mentions of bullying.
3- The personality shaping the above two had on the murderer-character.
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While each has had a mystery that wraps up by the end, the next book seems to continue right where the last one leaves off...which is in a dramatic closing scene.
Characters Weber and Nick have a mystery from their past that the reader has been given hints about since the beginning. This book ends giving a huge revelation. 3d