who else is obsessed with Wordle? (no spoilers btw, this was Thursday‘s puzzle.) #wordle
who else is obsessed with Wordle? (no spoilers btw, this was Thursday‘s puzzle.) #wordle
#crimesagainstcovers #photochallenge
So this is definitely my most wrecked book. It‘s the Webster‘s New Popular Dictionary copyright in 1919. This one is a 1929 edition. I found this at flea market years ago.
This lovely #tome, a gigantic dictionary, kept me occupied for hours and hours as a child (and it was also handy for pressing leaves). I can't remember exactly how old it is, but I know it's older than me! Next time I'm st my parents' place, I'll have to check. #OldCoolBooks
I was flipping through the pages of my latest treasure, a 1951 Webster's English Dictionary, when I came across the Dripolator...is it bad that I immediately thought of Dr Doofensmirtz and his knack for naming things with "anator"? ???
#dripolator #english #dictionary
If I have to look up how to spell "pneumonia" one more time...