4 ⭐ This is not a biography of David Bowie, but a fictional tale of how music and movement sparked his creativity and lead to a long career in the spotlight. This is a wonderful tribute to a man who left this earth too soon.
4 ⭐ This is not a biography of David Bowie, but a fictional tale of how music and movement sparked his creativity and lead to a long career in the spotlight. This is a wonderful tribute to a man who left this earth too soon.
There is little here to connect to the actual David Bowie but for a children‘s story centered around being comfortable in your own skin, it‘s cute enough.
This book has so much joy! It‘s an excellent representation of Bowie‘s music. My library files it as a J biography, and it is filled with biographical info at the back, but the story itself is actually about his childhood and what inspired his art. It‘s a fantastical story, which is what makes it so much fun and so fitting, so I‘m thinking of it more as an imagined biography. #LGBTQBookBingo #PictureBook @Kenyazero
Often I see picture books that are truly for adults or a certain generation. I expected this to be one such book, but instead the author described David Bowie's childhood experience in a way that children can relate to. The nonfiction features are interesting at the end, such as, I did not know that he had a constellation and a spider named for him.
If you can not guess from the cover, this picture book is based on the life and the lyrics of David Bowie. I don't know if it is an illustration of one song, or lines from multiple songs arranged to make a story. either way, this Bowie loving lady can't wait to read this book.
Out May 18
#CoverLove #MGEdition