The biggest problem with reading in the woods is that Napoleon thinks he should have my undivided attention. I have to bring a bag of peanuts with me just to distract him!
The biggest problem with reading in the woods is that Napoleon thinks he should have my undivided attention. I have to bring a bag of peanuts with me just to distract him!
Unfortunately, this book was so convoluted and poorly executed that the end result was very disappointing. The entire book read as if it were a rough draft & events would happen with no explanation. Additionally, the characters were under-developed and had unexplained relationships with one another. Furthermore, there were a lot of plot holes and terminology that needed explaining. Overall, this book could have use a lot of editing or reimagining.
I liked many things about this book. The magic concept, the sacrifices, the world-building, and the queer representation were great. But you are introduced to them so quickly that they constantly confuse you. I was uncertain about the plot-line until three quarters in. Overall great concept, I would pick up the sequel but the introduction to this universe is extremely confusing. Thank you, NetGalley, Sourcebooks Fire,and Linsey Miller for the arc.
eek. Not my preferred genre. But it‘s YA, how murder-y and dark can it get? #currentlyreading #septemberrso2021 #preview #digital #gothicfantasy #magic #gravediggers