This wonderful picture book is packed full of fun ideas for weaving science into cross-curiculum lessons, and is an invigorating and essential resource for Key 1 teachers and science co-ordinators seeking to inject some creativity into their science lessons. Contextualizing science in a story that pupils know & love. Contains a wide range of activities & investigations. Engaging science learning while while extending aspects of English curriculum.
PatriciaS Trust's Primary Teacher of the Year in 2015. Primary Science Specialist Teacher. 4y
PatriciaS https://childrenslitlove.com>the "loves Science" Series - Children's Lit Love. 4y
PatriciaS UDL#3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge through read aloud lessons, activities and discussion. #8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenges through discussions during reading and after, small groupings and independent writing activities associated with the lesson. 4y
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PatriciaS ESOL#1 Teach questioning for clarification when introducing new concepts in science. 4y
PatriciaS #UCFLAE3414SP21 4y
PatriciaS This wonderful SF, Science Facts, NF, RA book 📖 is a great resource for teaching new concepts and science vocabulary words. 4y
KellyR This is a great book to have in the Science center and I like that this book contains activites for students to do. 4y
PatriciaS @KellyR I love this book 📖 great for beginning science 👍, awesome fun activities, resources for great science lessons, and activities too. Fun and science, vocabulary words, new and exciting science lessons. 4y
DrSpalding What a wonderful anthology! It looks to be more nonfiction considering it teaches science concepts and discipline specific vocabulary. 4y
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