For #septemberlibrary17 #oldbooks I chose my copy of the Qur'an. It is one that was given to me well-loved, and has been well-loved by me.
@librarylooter & @anniekslibrary
For #septemberlibrary17 #oldbooks I chose my copy of the Qur'an. It is one that was given to me well-loved, and has been well-loved by me.
@librarylooter & @anniekslibrary
Well I've done it again. I have too many books going at once. I'm tired of people telling me "they say ____ in the quran look it up"
So I am. It may take me 8 hours to read the whole thing but knowlege is power and I'm up for it.
So I took Arabic, Islamic civilization, and had a Muslim roommate in college, so of course I still have a Qur'an around. Although I seem to have lost my Arabic -> English, which is a bit problematic. #notinenglish #seasonsreadings2016