Bail at page 80.
For what this novel is about, it's tedious.
Bail at page 80.
For what this novel is about, it's tedious.
Chained to a dull, dreary island, Scarlett Dragna and her sister, Tella, commonly fantasized about experiencing mystical wonders. Their imaginations were fed by stories of the Caraval, an exclusive performance overbrimming with eye-catching wanders. Upon reaching seventeen, Scarlett is betrothed to a count by the diction of her cruel father. Her ambition to behold magical treasures is shattered until she receives a letter.
I overall really enjoyed this book a lot. Pretty easy read. This book had much adventure and twists and turns. Very much a book to get lost in. The ending wasn‘t my favorite but overall would recommend!
Late to this party. So far so good.
I have had this on my TBR for YEARS just sitting there collecting dust. I finally read it and now I'm mad I let it sit for so long!