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A Year of Living Simply
A Year of Living Simply: The joys of a life less complicated | Kate Humble
7 posts | 5 read | 3 to read
'Simply wonderful.' - BEN FOGLE 'Kate's book has the warmth and calming effect of a log fire and a glass of wine. Unknit your brow and let go. It's a treat.' - GARETH MALONE 'Kate Humble pours her enviable knowledge into attainable goals. It's a winning combination and the prize - a life in balance with nature - is definitely worth claiming.' - LUCY SIEGLE 'As ever, where Kate leads, I follow. She has made me reassess and reset.' - DAN SNOW If there is one thing that most of us aspire to, it is, simply, to be happy. And yet attaining happiness has become, it appears, anything but simple. Having stuff - The Latest, The Newest, The Best Yet - is all too often peddled as the sure fire route to happiness. So why then, in our consumer-driven society, is depression, stress and anxiety ever more common, affecting every strata of society and every age, even, worryingly, the very young? Why is it, when we have so much, that many of us still feel we are missing something and the rush of pleasure when we buy something new turns so quickly into a feeling of emptiness, or purposelessness, or guilt? So what is the route to real, deep, long lasting happiness? Could it be that our lives have just become overly crowded, that we've lost sight of the things - the simple things - that give a sense of achievement, a feeling of joy or excitement? That make us happy. Do we need to take a step back, reprioritise? Do we need to make our lives more simple? Kate Humble's fresh and frank exploration of a stripped-back approach to life is uplifting, engaging and inspiring - and will help us all find balance and happiness every day.
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This was a random pick at the library and I‘m so glad I stumbled across it. It was a lovely uplifting read about people/communities/Kate herself trying to live more sustainably, consciously and consume less. Love the idea of repair cafés. It made me want to do something with these raised beds previous owners put in the garden (even though I have no clue when it comes to planting anything ?)
#nonfiction2023 - imagine

TheNeverendingTBR Grow potatoes? I do every year. They're very easy to grow. I highly recommend it. 2y
squirrelbrain I loved this one when I read it a few years ago. ❤️ 2y
youneverarrived @TheNeverendingTBR I‘d love to! Can you grow them all year round or do they need to be planted at a certain time? (Genuinely have zero clue when it comes to growing food 🙈) (edited) 2y
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youneverarrived @squirrelbrain it was a lovely surprise read 🤍 2y
TheNeverendingTBR It's surprisingly easy. Get some potatoes and wait until they start sprouting, throw them into the ground. I'll be planting mine at the end of March. 2y
youneverarrived That sounds easy enough! Thanks @TheNeverendingTBR I‘ll give it a go 😁 2y
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This was just the listen I needed at the start of a fresh new year. Very much made appreciate the small and simple things

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As we grow older, priorities change and we aspire to simply live a happy life. So many people want the latest gadgets, the best clothes thinking it will bring happiness. This book explores why our consumer led society is brimming with depression, social isolation and anxiety even among the very young.
Kate Humble recollects personal memories and her own difficulties. A book to make you think about how we value things differently now.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review ❤️ 2y
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My local librarian recommended this. I don‘t normally read non-fiction but I thought I‘d give it a go.
#livingsimply #happiness

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I adored this book - so much of it resonated with me. A friend lent it to me but I think I need to buy my own copy for a re-read(and I never re-read books!).

It‘s not about giving everything up, just doing what makes you happy, which I needed to read about right now. I was very pleased with myself when she recommended planting sweet pea seeds in empty toilet rolls - I did that last year and they were great!

TrishB Lovely review ♥️ 3y
Cinfhen This looks like a book we could all benefit from ❤️ 3y
Caroline2 I love Kate Humble. Sounds like a fab book. I hope you‘re having a lovely holiday. ☺️ 3y
squirrelbrain Just got home @Caroline2 - campsite was filling up with kids for the bank holiday weekend so that was great timing! 🤣 3y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain I bet!! 😬 3y
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 166
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Some thought provoking ideas.