I have a little video talking about this cookbook: The Flavor Equation by Nik Sharma:
I have a little video talking about this cookbook: The Flavor Equation by Nik Sharma:
Some folks notice a strange, rancid, “fishy” taste after the canola oil is heated, which is probably due to the breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids during heating.
[🙋♀️ I‘m one of those people who finds canola oil unpleasantly fishy. Are you?]
Scientists have gathered data that identifies potential taste receptors for fat as well as mechanisms to explain how fat might be the sixth primary taste, called oleogustus.
I made dhal makhani from the tagged cookbook but I didn‘t light anything on fire to give it smokiness. (Float a small metal bowl with ghee in it on the dhal, light a piece of charcoal, drop it in the ghee and cover the pot with its lid.) For simplicity‘s sake, I used a few drops of liquid smoke. 🔥
I tried a recipe from the tagged cookbook: Roasted Butternut Squash + Pomegranate Molasses Soup. Verdict: yum!