Weird girl meets hot boys (yes, more than one), gets transformed into a demon becomes a hot blonde girl and has sex with the boys. 🙈 I almost forgot, there is a detective story about lost kids which is used to create coherence somehow. 😫😫😫
Weird girl meets hot boys (yes, more than one), gets transformed into a demon becomes a hot blonde girl and has sex with the boys. 🙈 I almost forgot, there is a detective story about lost kids which is used to create coherence somehow. 😫😫😫
Right now work is pretty heavy, only on the weekends I am able to read. And this school year I tried to leave town for the weekends (and literally to leave the work stuff behind). So far it works, I‘m in Alexandria/Egypt now. 🙌
Reading by the pool with a nice view - I love Egypt. 🥰🥰🥰
I roamed Amazon for the movie Hoodwinked, but couldn‘t find it. Instead stumbled upon this... 🙈