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Marzahn, mon amour
Marzahn, mon amour: Geschichten einer Fupflegerin | Katja Oskamp
12 posts | 6 read | 12 to read
"Katja Oskamp braucht nicht viele Worte, um ein ganzes Leben zu erzhlen. Normale Leute, ein kaum beachteter Ort - spektakulre Geschichten." Bov Bjerg Katja Oskamp ist Mitte vierzig, als ihr das Leben fad wird. Das Kind ist aus dem Haus, der Mann ist krank, die Schriftstellerei, der sie sich bis dahin gewidmet hat: ein Feld der Enttuschungen. Also macht sie etwas, was fr andere dem Scheitern gleichkme: Sie wird Fupflegerin in Berlin-Marzahn, einst das grte Plattenbaugebiet der DDR. Und schreibt auf, was sie dabei hrt Geschichten wie die von Herrn Paulke, vor vierzig Jahren einer der ersten Bewohner des Viertels, Frau Guse, die sich im Rckwrtsgang von der Welt entfernt, oder Herrn Pietsch, dem Ex-Funktionr mit der karierten Schiebermtze. Geschichten voller Menschlichkeit und Witz, Wunderwerke ber den Menschen an sich von seinen Fen her betrachtet.
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I love seeing international editions of my favourites.

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Jo Heinrich‘s website: https://www.joheinrichtranslation.co.uk

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Weekly Highlights

Marzahn, mon amour by Katja Oskamp
Jo Heinrich (Translator)

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shawnmooney Marzahn, mon amour by Katja Oskamp, Jo Heinrich (Translator)

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New winner of the Dublin literary award.

Join Katja Oskamp & Jo Heinrich, winners of the prestigious 2023 Dublin Literary Award, for an in-depth look at the winning title, Marzahn Mon Amour, in conversation with Rick O‘Shea.

Fri 26 May, 18.15, Speranza - Merrion Square Park
Sign up to join online or in person.


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First one this year! Also my #bookspin one. Lots of little stories of different people. It‘s a good book to always come back to and have a little read.

thewallflower0707 That‘s a fun book! 1y
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Einfach ein großer Genuss! Rührend und witzig zugleich. Kann ich wirklich nur empfehlen.

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One of the best opening paragraphs I‘ve read for a long time. 🙏♥️🙏♥️

AmyG That IS beautifull written. For me, reminds me of the child-rearing years. 😳 (edited) 2y
AmyG On a separate note, I saw Sea of Tranquility on your TBR. I am looking to pass my copy on. Have you gotten it? Do you still want to read itv 2y
Mitch @AmyG that‘s so lovely to think of me - I picked it up on Saturday. 😘 2y
See All 6 Comments
Mitch @AmyG it really spoke to me. X 2y
AmyG Well then, enjoy it! 😘 2y
thewallflower0707 Oh, I read this book in German last year, I didn‘t know it has been translated! It‘s really good. I‘m curious to know what impression you will have off Berlin after reading this 😅 2y
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What a gem - one I‘ll be recommending to everyone and popping in lots of birthday bags! It‘s terrifically humble, observant and full of warmth and humanity. It‘s fab to see older women on the page and her writing and the transition is divine. A one sitting book that will stay with me a very long time, principally for the courage some of the residents of Marzahn display in their everyday lives.

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This is a nice short book of the stories of the people that lives in this area of Berlin. I really like it. Is from the perspective of a writer that works as a chiropodist

julesG Looks interesting. My "aunt" used to live in Marzahn. 2y
CaroPi @julesG I really like it and if you know the area I am sure you will appreciate it more 2y
Mitch @julesG it‘s fab! Down everything and read it now! 🤣🤣🤣 2y
julesG @Mitch off to find a copy 2y
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I loved this: short pen portraits of the (mostly elderly) customers who come visit her chiropody office. A picture of a part of Berlin that is gradually disappearing.

Another winner in translation from Peirene.


Marzahn Park Cemetery, eight in the evening, far from the noise of the city. At the end of a hot, dusty day, the birds are singing their evening chorus. The sun is at a low angle, its last rays spreading like wings over names on individual stones. Raked paths. Watered graves. Burning candles. Larches, oaks, pines. I wander through ferns and across the grass in the shade. Coolness, peace and space. A birch. A bench.

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I went on a shopping 🛍 spree today and of course I couldn‘t pass over the local bookstore!
Marzahn Mon Amour is a German bestseller, and I hope it is as amusing as it looks. I have high expectations for #Expectation (haha) because of the blurb comparing it to Sally Rooney. We‘ll see!

#bookhaul #bookcover