#SplashInTheSummerReads #GrabTheKleenex This is a collection of short stories. Many of them made me cry. They seem standalone, but towards the end you find that they are actually connected. This is a highly recommended book.
#SplashInTheSummerReads #GrabTheKleenex This is a collection of short stories. Many of them made me cry. They seem standalone, but towards the end you find that they are actually connected. This is a highly recommended book.
#recommendsday Yes, I have recommended this already. Yes, I am recommending again. Yes, I will recommend it until the end of time. Yes, I think everyone should at least try this book. Yes, it will make you laugh. Yes, it will make you cry. Yes, just YES.
#somethingforsept #mademecry this short story collection has some that made me laugh and others that made me cry. And some characters I laughed at and then they turned up in later stories and made me cry, ugly face cry.
Such a good collection. Excited to be in Patrick Ryan's One Story class, which starts tomorrow online.
#Recommendsday - books like this are why I read.
July book stats. Best book is The Dream Life of Astronauts. Which is a collection of short stories that sum up why I read.
It is a book that Ann Patchett recommended in her newsletter. It's a collection of short stories. As you read through them some will make you laugh, some will break your heart, and some of the feel-good ones will eventually break your heart later on. A truly brilliant book. Was a little partial to Miss America and Need Not Be Present to Win. Would not be bad to have a box of Kleenex next to you for good cries and bad cries.
The short story Miss America in this book is beautifully written. Looking forward to reading the next story in the book, but I can only do that after I finish crying into a box of tissues. #goodcry
From "The Way She Handles" - "Late one night during the summer of Watergate, I was in bed reading a Hardy Boys novel by flashlight when a car pulled into the cul-de-sac, it's headlights sweeping the wall of my room. If I'd been reading something else I might not have been so in tune to things, but a mystery by flashlight turns everything into a clue."
Got to meet the incredible Ann Patchett, Patrick Ryan, and an out-of-this-world mural tonight! Ann and Patrick clearly cared deeply for each other and their work; hearing them talk was inspiring in a very real way. If you can, catch them tomorrow in Nashville!