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Woom | Duncan Ralston
13 posts | 24 read | 13 to read
"Esto es sucio, fuerte y muy crudo, pero est hecho con agudeza y gran don literario. Cuagto es producto del talento, una obra de arte. No uso estas palabras a la ligera". J.R. Park, Autor de Al Despertar (Upon Waking) "Cuagto logra muchsimo en muy poco tiempo. Es compleja y sorpresiva de principio a fin. Adems, es verdaderamente espeluznante; en el mejor de los sentidos". Adiba Jaigirdar, Cultured Vultures "Mezcla el cinismo de Cacho Palahniuk, la atmsfera grasosa y los personajes bien construdos de Irvine Welsh con la atrocidad de los mejores libros de literatura de horror para crear una narracin de mltiples capas que juega sus mejores cartas sobre el final". Jonathan Butcher, The Ginger Nuts of Horror "Un ejemplo excelente de la buena ficcin oscura que se est escribiendo actualmente y una narracin que va a dejar una impresin duradera en cualquier fan del horror que se anime a leerla". Adrian Shotbolt, Beavis the Bookhead "Hace tres das que le la ltima palabra y todava no puedo ni siquiera pensar en volver a leer otra cosa. No porque no hubiera disfrutado Cuagto, sino por el poder y la fuerza con la que est escrita". Alex Kimmell, Confessions of a Reviewer
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Woom | Duncan Ralston
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Did I read it in one sitting? Yes. Would I recommend it to anyone? No. Go for it if you like extreme horror - all the trigger warnings possible. Haha - what a wild ride.

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Woom | Duncan Ralston
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My first thought for dark on day 9 of the #scarathlonphotochallenge was baker.reads my favourite horror book TikTok creator who recommends some Very dark stuff. If anyone is on TikTok and wants some dark recommendations with detailed trigger warnings and thoughtful commentary check him out! #scarathlon #skeletoncrew @Clwojick @StayCurious

Woom | Ralston Duncan
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🌟dipped my toe in extreme horror to see what all@the controversy surrounding this sub-genre is all about. YouTube wars between an author and YouTube reviewer. Well, thank goodness this was short. I love horror, but don‘t need to be grossed out. Nothing scary about it. Cheap thrills. But cool for those that do. Not for me, first and last one.

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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So, ok. Here‘s the thing. This book…I just. I mean like, it‘s a thing. I didn‘t hate it. I think I liked it. I knew where it was going pretty early on, but I thought “let‘s do this.” It‘s definitely extreme horror, so all the trigger warnings. What the title really stand for, what it‘s deeper meaning is…very cool.

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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Well sh!t. Ok. That was something alright. I'm gobsmacked so I guess that means it's a "pick". I definitely wouldn't say I liked it, and definitely would not recommend it to anyone. Um yeah ...

ChaoticMissAdventures Sounds fascinating. 😂 1y
vivastory I love this review 😂 1y
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Woom | Duncan Ralston
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I love a good disturbing book but this.. this was beyond…. Just nasty… do not be intrigued and add it to your tbr.. don‘t waste your time…

Prairiegirl_reading Bonus points for the dog though!! 😍 1y
Djspens Lol I hate to be totally negative in my review 1y
janeycanuck Whoa, I don‘t think I‘ve seen a book with such a low rating on Litsy. Please excuse me, I need to go add this to my Do Not Ever Read list. 1y
BookMaven9 I dove into this “head first” wink 😉 wink, to explore extreme horror/splatter punk genre due to all the controversy lately, but yea, it‘s definitely not for me. It‘s a niche genre for sure. First and last one. 9mo
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Woom | Duncan Ralston
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Well written, strangely emotional, and completely weirdly disgusting. Definitely the most disturbing book I‘ve read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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Thanks but no thanks... this was super extreme, super graphic, super sexual and SOO not my cup of tea. I kind of knew I wasn't going to make it through but I decided to try anyway. Huge fail... I'm not discounting Ralston's work, though, because I've loved several of his books!

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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This was pretty bizarre and gross. I definitely think extreme horror is NOT my jam.

BookMaven9 Same here. I read it so I could understand what all the controversy surrounding this genre was all about. First and last one. 🤮 9mo
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Woom | Duncan Ralston

Um…definitely should have been prepared for that

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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What in tarnation did I just read?


bthegood enough said - TBR'd - 😅 2y
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Woom | Duncan Ralston
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Horror has always been the genre I read and gravitate towards the most. I have tip toed in a few extreme horror books the past year, but nothing really prepared me for words in this book. It‘s not a bad book by any means.. I just feel like I should have been a little more prepared.

Woom | Duncan Ralston
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The stories connected together in a way I wasn‘t expecting. The chapter “woom” almost made me cry. Almost. But otherwise I didn‘t find it scary or suspenseful. Some parts did make me cringe which I guess counts?? Super quick read. I got more than what I was expecting out of this but no scares for me. It‘s not for people who are easily grossed out by gore though. So it‘s a so-so

@TheAromaofBooks this was #Bookspin ☺️

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