When I think of #DayOfTheDead I think of Frida Kahlo & this cookbook from my collection that has a big section with recipes for a Dia De Los Muertos gathering. 💀
When I think of #DayOfTheDead I think of Frida Kahlo & this cookbook from my collection that has a big section with recipes for a Dia De Los Muertos gathering. 💀
I used to go to the local thrift store on the regular to look for books & blog photo props, but I got out of the habit with COVID. So this is an older #ThriftStoreFind & a recycled picture from Instagram. I love the tagged cookbook which is full of food & parties & photos & glimpses of Frida Kahlo‘s life from her stepdaughter‘s perspective.
#MagicalMay #CincoDeMayo
I did not do any celebrating of Cinco de Mayo today in food or drink but if I did, I would have made something from one of these cookbooks. My shelves have several of Rick Bayless‘s & Diana Kennedy‘s cookbooks—these two are just representative, the tagged book is a favorite thrift store purchase & Oaxaca is a newer book I received last fall as part of a cookbook review. 🌮🌯ðŸ®ðŸ¹ðŸ˜
"Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"
"I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you."
I bought this after being so awestruck by this woman, her life, and art when the Detroit Institute of Arts had an exhibit of her work. She epitomizes "though she be little, she is fierce".
#mexicanwriters #mexicanauthors #artist #icon #strongwoman #MayBookFlowers #cincodemayo
#AllHallowsRead I have a book & cookbook (+ a mug!) that feature Dia de Muertos. In The Secret Book of Kahlo, the specter of death comes to Frida often & several chapters mention the Day of the Dead. Frida's Feasts has notes from her stepdaughter on the traditions, Frida's preparations & a menu including recipes like Dead Man's Bread & some for her mother's favorite dishes, served in her honor, as well as photos of the alter for Frida. 💀
Local thrift store is starting to freak me out. Last month they had 'Scarlet Feather' June/July Cook the Books (virtual bookclub) pick. Today found this to go w/ Aug/Sept's: 'The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo.' How do they know what I want/need? Hope it doesn't turn into a 'Needful Things' situation