Awesome!!!! Love the overlapping stories, different time gaps, and just the creepy evil feelings.
This series is perfect for the season! Pick it up!!!
Awesome!!!! Love the overlapping stories, different time gaps, and just the creepy evil feelings.
This series is perfect for the season! Pick it up!!!
This book is crazy good. Creepy. Perfect for the month!
Yes new book day!!! Hoping for a creepy-good time!
I'm wavering on this book between calling it a pick or a so-so. I guess I'll call it a pick because it was an engrossing story and a good read. 🌟🌟🌟3 solid stars.
It's about time for a good ghost story 😱
Went to get lunch and run errands and then realized I hadn't brought anything to read :( It's a good thing I went home to grab a book, though, because this gem was waiting for me!