This is a really fun biography about Peter Mark Roget who was the inventor of the thesaurus !
This is a really fun biography about Peter Mark Roget who was the inventor of the thesaurus !
You could use this book to teach children about the different parts of the thesaurus and could then have them create a story using synonyms from a thesaurus
“I am not afraid to be different. I am different, and I am proud of it.”
“Sometimes, the right word can change everything.”
“A tale of one man‘s love for words that changed how we communicate.“
A beautifully crafted biography of Peter Mark Roget, whose passion for words gave the world the thesaurus, this book is a celebration of curiosity and the power of language.
Peter had a love for words and wanted to do something with that. He eventually created the thesaurus, which is crazy to think about! This book was written in a really interesting way and was my favorite of the biography books I read this semester.
the pages are so bright, colorful, and cute. It was written in cool ways and was fun to read. Children would enjoy this book!
“Your frock is a lovely shade of azure, violet, sapphire.”
“On the vast scale of the universe the globe we inhabit appears but as an atom”
I never know where a thesaurus came from so this book was super interesting to me. The illustrations are awesome and fun to look at. I would definitely have this book in my future classroom.
Peter was suddenly a popular author. But this did not change him at all. Instead, he went right back to his desk and made new lists...so that today, whenever you need it, you can still find the right word.
I loved the illustrations in this book, they have a lot of detail in every picture and are very creative and colorful.
This book is about Peter Mark Roget and how he began to write his own book. He did not write stories, he wrote lists. He found his love for words and turned it to organizing ideas and finding exactly the right word to express just what he thought. His lists grew and grew, eventually turning into one of the most important reference books of all time, the thesaurus.
“your frock is a lovely shade of azure, violet, sapphire.“
my favorite part was the page where everyone Is using big words that he came up with
this book was so interesting. I did not know this story so it was fun to read about who created the thesaurus. It was also written in such a child friendly way
This biography talks about how Peter Roget wrote the thesaurus. It is crazy to read because he started it when he was a young child. He had no idea it would become anything and now everyone uses thesauruses! It is an inspirational book because a young child‘s dream turned into something so amazing. I love the illustrations in this book as well!
This was a bonus book added to a Scholastic order at school. A great introduction to the thesaurus. This order was very random and it fit the diversity of the students who bought books. This image kind of sums it up.