Call and leave a message. Super quick and easy! Let‘s fill up the mailbox and #stopthespread #yourvoicecounts #maskmandatepoll 😷😷
Maybe this is what I am thankful for today. 😢
Call and leave a message. Super quick and easy! Let‘s fill up the mailbox and #stopthespread #yourvoicecounts #maskmandatepoll 😷😷
Maybe this is what I am thankful for today. 😢
This is going to be my view for the next 8 days... I tested positive for Covid and am now in quarantine. Silver lining... it will give me lots of time to read so I may just reach my book goal of 120 books this year!
Can‘t find this title in Litsy
Though I've heard his name, I hadn't read Zizek before and this book was offered as a free ebook in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's a short fast read, pulling together a bunch of different threads but not really coming up with a thesis or way forward other than broad assertions of his form of communism. Interesting ideas.