Library Haul. I think I am gonna read Universe of Two next
Library Haul. I think I am gonna read Universe of Two next
Fantastic!! Loved it!!
The final book in my #20BooksofSummer challenge. I've read some incredible books this summer!
This is so good! And what a perfect day to spend reading - intense thunderstorms with thunder rattling the windows and shaking the floors!
Getting started on this chunkster. I would LOVE to be sitting outside and enjoying this beautiful Saturday afternoon, but so sadly we have a highly annoying neighbour that plays her music loudly and seems to sing at the top of her lungs with assistance from a karaoke machine. 🙁😤😡 No amount of complaining to the city will stop her. She is often yelling at other neighbours and squirrels as well. Thank you for listening to my complaint. 😘
I am terribly late reviewing this ARC I got from LibraryThing, but now that I‘ve finally read it I recommend it if you‘re in the mood for a WWII book. Charlie is a mathematician working in Los Alamos and Brenda moves to be with him and play organ at a local church. I thought it was interesting that Charlie was based on a real person.
From Stephen P. Kiernan: “The secret behind my new novel, Universe of Two, is that it is based on a real person.”
SEE THE SPOTLIGHT HERE: https://tinyurl.com/y6so3wul
Young Charlie Fish, a promising mathematician, embarks on a secret journey -the Manhattan Project. He is studious, dedicated, and gentle in his manner. Sent to Los Alamos, NM leaving the love of his life behind in Chicago. Charlie is kept in the dark about the project to end the war but knows he is playing an integral part. Charlie aka Trigger is engulfed in regret and his part in the atomic bomb devastation-how does a man recover from remorse?
This book took me completely by surprise. I never imagined that a book, inspired by the life of the man that developed the detonator for the atom bomb, would, or even could, contain such beautiful writing and feelings of such tenderness. My heart really felt as though it would break for Charlie as he struggled with his consciousness for creating a device – the Gadget - that took so many lives.
Just finished this ARC that I won from goodreads. I really enjoyed the book...its release date is 5/20 😊