Thank you @LibrarianRyan I got my book back, your lovely note and the gift card.
Thank you @LibrarianRyan I got my book back, your lovely note and the gift card.
With this my #LMPBC #round8 group short stories is done. I liked this, didn‘t love it. Glad to have read it but would probably never think of it again. In all honestly I would have probably preferred the authors radio performances.
I‘ll mail out tomorrow.
@Pogue I owe you a book. Take your pick. I was having a bad day and left your book in its sleeve (which is on the floor in this picture, please ignore the carpet stain) under the blanket when Josh took me to dinner. It was also under Joshes iPad. Apparently she likes the cover as much as @Bookishthoughts kids did. It‘s still readable and I will read, tape the cover back and the inside few pages and get it sent back as soon as possible. #lmpbc
A wonderful novella that I read for #LMPBC #Round8 #GroupS @LibrarianRyan @nelehelen @Bookishthoughts