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Help! a Bear Is Eating Me!
Help! a Bear Is Eating Me! | Mykle Hansen
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Trapped in a remote Alaskan forest, pinned under his own SUV, gnawed upon by nature's finest predators, Marv Pushkin -- Corporate Warrior, Positive Thinker, Esquire subscriber -- waits impatiently for an ambulance and explains in detail the many reasons why this unfolding tragedy is everyone's fault but his own.
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We've tried to live in balance with nature long enough. This time nature went too far. As soon as you and your fiance are safely out of here, I'm calling in an air strike to napalm this whole forest.

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#ReadYourSign ♋️ Cancer Prompt 13 ♋️

Total asshole is trapped under a car and is being eaten by a bear. Should we feel sorry for them? That‘s what this book makes you ponder. Marv is an utter douchebag but does he deserve his fate? Do we want him to be rescued? Great story that made me laugh out loud. Kinda went off the rails at the end and I understood why but it just didn‘t hit home for me. Still enjoyed reading it tho.

Clwojick Hahahahah! Interesting concept! 4y
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Mr Frank is my annoying and SUPER GRUMPY reading buddy this morning but lookit that face how could I be mad lol for reference, the chair I‘m in is directly in front of a window. He is constantly jumping up behind my head whipping his tail in my face while looking out it. Then when I try to coax him down he hisses and then sits in my lap and purrs and then starts the cycle again every 20 mins. He is a grumpy old man but he‘s my baby 😻 #catsoflitsy

magyklyXdelish @CBee I promised I would introduce you to my grumpy old man 😂 this is mr frank. He‘s absolutely a spoiled brat but he‘s so cuuuute u can‘t be mad lol 4y
Mishu94 He‘s so cute! OMGGGG! 4y
magyklyXdelish @Mishu94 thank u 😊 he‘s a unique character 😂 4y
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Mishu94 @magyklyXdelish haha I can‘t get over his cuteness! 😍❤️ 4y
Eggs Love the tongue 👅 4y
magyklyXdelish @Eggs he‘s a pro blepper!! 😛 4y
CBee @magyklyXdelish oh my gosh I love him. I have a special affinity for grumpy old kitties and doggies 😁❤️ Give him a good scritch from me ❤️❤️ 4y
magyklyXdelish @CBee he‘s definitely getting grumpier with his age and I find it endearing lol I‘ll give him a good scritch for you ❤️ 4y
CBee @magyklyXdelish it‘s totally endearing, I love it too ❤️❤️ thank you so much for the letter and the card - I will write back soon! 4y
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This story follows a guy named Marv. He'S stuck under his SUV and a Bear is eating him. Marv is a real asshole. A selfish prick of sorts and aside the bear eating him, is more concerned as to a missed opportunity to have sex with a girl who is not his wife and in the same stroke, murder his wife. Does Marv really deserve to be turned into bear shit, or does maybe the experience change him in the end? You‘ll have to read and find out.

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I have a twisted sense of humor 😂😂😂😂😂

#Help #HeyJune @Cinfhen @GypsyKat

Cinfhen This book actually sounds entertaining 👍🏻 6y
GypsyKat Hahahaha! 6y
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I‘m looking for help from my fellow Littens. I‘ve taken an unusual route to teaching and am finishing my MSE without teaching certification. Meaning I am teaching high school English this fall on a restricted alternative license. So while I study for the Praxis and finish my final semester, I‘m thinking I should reread some classics in preparation for August. I could really use your recommendations for books currently being taught in HS English.

DebbieGrillo I'd suggest reading everything by Penny Kittle, Kelly Gallagher and Allison Marchetti & Rebekah O'Dell instead. I mean you can't go wrong with To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, 1984 and The Scarlett Letter. But if your district is progressive at all there might not be whole class novel required reading. The best practice favors self selected reading, with teacher guidace. Popular and literary fiction and non-fiction. #teachersoflitsy 6y
Redwritinghood My kids have been reading To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451 in English this year. 6y
ofclumsywords My English teacher once did a project splitting the class into groups of two or three kids and had a handful of classics (In Cold Blood, Old Man and the Sea and so on) and let each group pick which book they wanted to buddy read together and had weekly quizzes on each book and then had each group did a presentation once they were finished (edited) 6y
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Pamwurtzler One of my daughters spent an entire semester on To Kill a Mockingbird. I seem to remember this as well- 6y
CSeydel To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, A Midsummer Night‘s Dream 6y
TheBookStacker To Kill a Mockingbird, Night by Eli Wiesel, The Bell Jar. Those are a few that have stuck with me evern through college (edited) 6y
AmyG 1984, Grapes of Wrath. I remember my kids reading The Power of One - Bryce Courtenay. I loved that book (I used to read what they read). 6y
Meeko93 The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Romeo and Juliet, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.. those are one I can remember and proety by Emily Dickinson. 6y
Blaire I don‘t know what‘s currently being taught - but we read hamlet, the odyssey, huckleberry Finn, brave new world, pride and prejudice, gatsby, go down Moses, the crucible, a dollshouse, one day in the life of Ivan denisovich, 6y
JoScho I took an alternate route too! 6y
AndreaReads I absolutely agree with @DebbieGrillo Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher just released a book they wrote together and it takes you through the 180 days we have with our kids. These two are experts about reading and they only read two whole class novels a year. Everything else can broken into Book Clubs and you typically have a little more freedom with Book Club choice! Good luck! You have a whole bunch of help here if/when you need it! 6y
Johanna414 I‘m also going to chime in with the recommendation to look up Penny Kittle and Keely Gallagher- I went to one of Penny Kittle‘s workshops recently and it was awesome! 6y
TommieMarie74 Thank you SO MUCH everyone! This is so helpful, you have no idea. Some of these I read in high school or college but there are some new ones here too. My summer will be busy, just making sure I‘m prepared! @Redwritinghood @Ofclumsywords @Pamwurtzler @CSeydel @TheBookStacker @AmyG @Meeko93 @Blaire 6y
TommieMarie74 I love the idea of limited class novel reading and using a “book club” format. Kansas is a Common Core state so I don‘t know how that will affect teaching HS lit but I‘m going to check out 180 Days, as well as Penny Kittle and Keely Gallagher, and hope that this type of class dynamic is a possibility. Thank you!! @DebbieGrillo @AndreaReads @Johanna414 6y
TommieMarie74 @JoScho That‘s awesome!! I‘d love to get your take on the process (and words of wisdom) sometime. 😊 6y
JoScho @TommieMarie74 of course. I called it teacher boot camp. We went for two weeks in the summer and of course had to pass all of the praxis exams and then were tossed into the classroom. Then we were on yearly contracts for the next three years until the end of the program and we became fully certified teachers. 6y
Meeko93 Another I thought of was Speak. 6y
TommieMarie74 @JoScho That sounds very similar to this program. You have to pass the Praxis tests and then find a job teaching. Once you have a job offer, you are officially enrolled in the program, attend a 4 day intensive training, and go right to the classroom. 😳 The program lasts two years. Not terrifying at all! 6y
TommieMarie74 @Meeko93 That‘s a good recommendation. I‘ll add it to the list. Thanks!! 6y
JoScho Very similar and it was terrifying at first because I felt unprepared and I am currently on year 13 teaching. I felt like I was being thrown to the wolves. You can do it! 6y
AndreaReads @TommieMarie74 Utah is a Common Core state as well (but we don‘t call it Common Core because it has a negative connotation and parents flipped). 🙄 Book Club format works really well because you can use individual books to teach the skills you need. Of course a lot of this depends on the school you end up with! I am happy to help you with anything you need! This is my tenth year and I have taught grades 7-12! 6y
TommieMarie74 @AndreaReads I did a little research and while Kansas is Common Core, they changed the name to the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards. Parents here flipped too and apparently the school board sent a letter out last fall announcing the “new” standards but the actual standards are the same. 😐 I‘ll feel a little better when I know where I‘ll be school- and grade-wise. But it helps to know I have people like you and @JoScho to turn to. ❤️❤️ 6y
JoScho Anytime! 😊 6y
CoffeeNBooks 1984, Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Importance of Being Earnest, Anthem, Macbeth, Hamlet 6y
TommieMarie74 @CoffeeNBooks Thank you so much! I‘ve added these to my list. 😊 6y
CoffeeNBooks @TommieMarie74 I teach 12th grade English and AP Literature- let me know if you ever have any questions. ☺ 6y
staci.reads I will 2nd (or maybe 3rd) those that are suggesting you read Gallagher, Kittle, etc. I have taught English for 23 years, high school the last 18, and I have never had the success of getting kids to read as I have with the combo of whole class novels and book clubs. In addition, my independent reading component (Kittle's Passionate Readers Or Donalynn Miller's Book Whisperer) has turned my students into readers. Good luck! 6y
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Without a doubt the greatest book about being eaten by a bear.

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Help! I'm in a reading slump to end all slumps. Despite the pile of excellent "literary" fiction I have, I think genre is going to be my best bet. So what's next? Still Life (Louise Penny)? Leviathan Wakes (James A. Corey)? The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (NK Jemisin)? Sabriel (Garth Nix)? The Dark Days Club (Alison Goodman)? Or Sorcerer To The Crown (Zen Cho)? I need engaging characters and good world building.

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Please Litsy friends!!!! I need your help!!!! I need GOOD audiobook recommendations!! Ready, set, go! And thanks 😊

KCorter I listened to this on audiobook, and Michael Kelly brought such life to the protagonist. Devin Jones was already a great character, and Kelly found a way to make him even more likable. Joyland translated well to audiobook, and was an absolute pleasure to experience it in that format. 8y
KDo27 @KCorter thanks for the suggestion! 8y
Well-ReadNeck The Whites, The Nix, Sleeping Giants, Lab Girl 8y
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RiotMom The Girl With All The Gifts! It's soooooo good! 8y
KDo27 @RiotMom well if it's sooooo good, I'll have to check it out! 8y
KDo27 @Ebooksandcooks thanks 😊 this is awesome! 8y
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Guys! I have an audible credit burning a hole in my pocket! Anyone have a recommendation? What should I listen to???

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