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Strange Brew: A Callahan Garrity Mystery
Strange Brew: A Callahan Garrity Mystery | Mary Kay Andrews
2 posts | 6 read | 2 to read
The winds of change are blowing, bringing gentrification to Callahan Garrity's funky Atlanta neighborhood. Though it probably won't harm her House Mouse housecleaning service, not everyone welcomes the rebirth. And when the body of a murdered microbrewer is discovered in the aftermath of a furious Halloween gale, suspicion falls on the aging "flower child" shopkeeper whom the victim put out of business.A former cop, Callahan isn't as quick to condemn a colorful local character as some law officers still on the force. But her investigative zeal is stirring up secrets that are forcing her to reassess old friendships and a one-time love--and is brewing up more lethal trouble than Callahan and her "mice" can safely swallow.
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Strange Brew | Kathy Hogan Trocheck
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Last beach picture. Here's the stack of books I finished on vacation. It's a joy to just be able to read anything I want on vacation and not to have to keep up with new releases for work.

I should be tired of MKA books by now, but I just can't stop devouring them. It's been a while since I've found an author with such a deep backlist to enjoy. In Strange Brew, she brings awareness to the issues of gentrification and homelessness in Atlanta.

Strange Brew | Kathy Hogan Trocheck
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Time to head home from the beach. A 9-10 hour car ride sure makes me happy I'm able to read in the car.