Exactly what it promises. It's funny and quick, although it helps if you've read the book before. I would read something else by Lisa Brown, for sure.
Makes me want to read Hark, A Vagrant though.
Exactly what it promises. It's funny and quick, although it helps if you've read the book before. I would read something else by Lisa Brown, for sure.
Makes me want to read Hark, A Vagrant though.
Eh, this was okay. I thought it would be more entertaining but it‘s really just a lot of meh.
Classics condensed into short two or three panel summaries. Nonessential humor reading. Some funnier than others, but overall, enjoyable.
This is a clever, fun book that simplifies the plots of well-known books and turns them into 3 panel cartoons. I enjoyed it.
Fun book that boils down book plots to 3 panels. A lot of these are really good.
This book made my day, it made me laugh on a day that I wasn‘t laughing. Feeling pretty awesome too because I‘ve read the vast majority of them!!!
This book is genius! I‘m definitely buying a physical copy for my classroom. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️