I‘m pretty sure I read this book years ago. Looking forward to diving in!
Made a new booktube video yesterday. Been wanting to make this one for a while now. Come on over to YouTube to watch my video “Lightning, by Dean Koontz; or, How Not to Write a Book”. In which I explain why Dean Koontz‘s Lightning my in fact be the worst book you‘ll ever read. 😀
1. The weekend!
2. Prince - Originals
3. A bad perm in the 80s, bangs/fringe
4. Crocheting! My husband plays in a pool league and I crochet to pass the time there. Inevitably someone says " my grandma used to do that" lol
5. Daisy!
@DebbieGrillo @MinDea
Shocking! At least to me, I often don't s5 it coming.
#30junebooks @howjessreads
I'm so behind on the #30junebooks challenge! The majority of my books are in the basement and I haven't gone to visit them.
Also prayers and good thoughts needed for my daughter and her unborn baby.
Thanks in advance everyone, this is the best community for support in any area of need!
Today's prompt: J
Two books on my tbr and my sister Jean!
@howjessreads #30junebooks
I have several bookshelves, but these are my nightstand of books!
#TuesdayTidbits #Halloween
1. Both!
2. Black cats
3. Scary movie (Books are friends)
4. @VioletCavalier
Favorite scary book is probably It by Stephen King, but Lightning by Dean Koontz is my favorite thriller.