I tried to keep things balanced between heavy/dark and lighter reading... I‘ve got an interesting week ahead, to say the least. 😄 #weeklyforecast
I tried to keep things balanced between heavy/dark and lighter reading... I‘ve got an interesting week ahead, to say the least. 😄 #weeklyforecast
I like Samantha Irby, but her humor veers into just-a-little-too-much territory for me sometimes. I dislike how down on herself she is when describing her former dating life; it‘s uncomfortable to read. I would still recommend this book for the funny moments, as she does make some sharp observations.
I enjoy Sam Irby and her deep exasperation at being confused with Roxanne Gay.
#LMPBC @suvata @Sward7 @TheBookHippie @Princess-Kingofkings I have a few books for you to chose from. I have the tagged book on pre-order and will get it in March. I will tag the rest below so that you can check them out. 🌹
This cover 😍😍😍😂