Next in the Baxter series “Remember”. Karen Kingsbury has a way of writing so that you feel these stories are so easy to relate to. #45of2023
Next in the Baxter series “Remember”. Karen Kingsbury has a way of writing so that you feel these stories are so easy to relate to. #45of2023
I can‘t believe I read 13 books in March! I read some great books by Stephen King but I enjoyed some of my romance reads most.
I‘m a mood reader and I‘ve definitely been in the mood to read romance lately. My March favorites range from Christian romance to “clean & wholesome” romance to sexy romance. Overall, I enjoy angsty, dramatic romantic stories as much as easy, no-drama, no-stress romance stories.
#marchreads #marchwrapup
So, so good!! Even better than the first book. This book followed the events of Redemption (tagged👇🏻) as it features the five Baxter siblings who are all at crossroads in their lives. This isn‘t light, fluffy “inspirational” fiction—this family faces big choices in their lives. I love loooong family saga series liked this one. I‘m reading these books along with a dear friend which is fantastic because they‘re SO discussable.
A very high pick.
“We must remember how to love, remember what‘s important, and remember God‘s truth as it applies to our relationships.”
As I sit here in this library today and finish this book I can‘t help but remember how important my God is in my life. How important it is to incorporate God into my relationships. I love this series. And as I always say, I love KK! ❤️
#currentlyreading This is another go to author for me. She gets me every time. I smile, I cry....all of it. She was one of my mama's favorites too and my mama was who got me hooked on her! #mollyscafinatedreads #gotoauthor #queenofchristianfiction #emotionalreads #bookstagram #afewofmyfavoritenewthings #fall🍂🍁🌾