Feeling good is good for its own sake!
when we focus on
what we think we need, we weaken our faith in the Universe. (Deepak Chopra)
Feeling good is good for its own sake!
when we focus on
what we think we need, we weaken our faith in the Universe. (Deepak Chopra)
What I‘m about to say may startle you. I want you to read this next
sentence as many times as you need to in order for it to sink in:
In order to truly live as a Super Attractor,
we must accept that good things can come easily.
“When you eliminate
the concept of separation from your thoughts and your behavior, you begin to
feel your connection to everything and everyone.” That connection is your
Super Attractor power. (Dr. Wayne Dyer)
Step 3: Choose again
By reaching toward the
best-feeling thought you can access, you‘re instantly put into a new
vibrational state. This new thought is a prayer. With it, you send a message to
the Universe that you want to feel better. In this new vibration, the Universe
responds by guiding you to your next right action. The next right action may
come to you as a better-feeling thought, as a new idea, or as a desire to end a
harmful pattern.
Step 2: Forgive the thought
Forgive yourself for being misaligned and celebrate your desire to shift.
Thank your negative feelings and thoughts for showing you what you don‘t
want and revealing what you do. Next to each negative thought that you
document, write the words Thank you for revealing to me what I don‘t want so
that I can clarify what I do want.
The 3 step choose again method :
Step 1: Notice the thought
When you find yourself stuck in negativity or fear, consciously step back.
You can do this by noticing that your thoughts and energy are out of
alignment with joy. Ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?” Write down
your answer in your journal.
The moment we choose to perceive our pain as the catalyst for great healing
and growth, we realign with the power of the Universe.
I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present.
The moment you forgive your past, you clear space for the present, and an
energetic shift occurs. And here‘s the really exciting thing: at this moment
right now, you‘re perfectly on track. The Universe is always saying YES,
even when it doesn‘t necessarily feel like it.
Faith isn‘t
hoping that God will help you; faith is knowing that help is on the way.
Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe. The
Universe is always saying YES to your thoughts, energy, and emotions.
Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or
The more fun you have, the stronger your Super
Attractor power becomes. Fun turns you into a magnet for miracles."
Being a Super Attractor means that what I believe is what I receive.
When I read her books she gives me a sense of calm and her words make so much sense. In this one she talk about how the power of positive thinking helps you attract what you desire. She teaches that you always have the choice to change your thoughts and how you perceive situations. Lots of useful guidance.