Three siblings that come back together have lots to sort out. Piper has always been a caretaker but can she let anyone else take care of her? I love Piper and Cam together.
Three siblings that come back together have lots to sort out. Piper has always been a caretaker but can she let anyone else take care of her? I love Piper and Cam together.
Pretty good, solid romance. Nice escape from a rough couple of work days.
Jill Shalvis always delivers a wonderful romance, and her Wildstone books are particularly good. Piper and her siblings have a lot of healing to do, with new romances, secrets, and fences to be mended. Sexy and heartwarming!
I didn‘t like this as much as I usually like Shalvis. This has too many plots, not enough time with any of the characters to really get to know them (or like them) and consequently the resolutions don‘t really feel as satisfying as you want.
Today‘s work from home Reading!
Finished this one last night. This mostly resolves around 3 siblings who have had a rough life and come back together. There's also Cam, who just lost his brother and comes back to help his father, living next door to the siblings. It's a story about family, heartache, secrets to be told, love, finding yourself, and forgiveness. And how these neighbor's lives have and will always connect to one another.
Going through a major reading slump this week. Since I finished a book Sunday afternoon I have read less than 100 pages out of two different books. I just can‘t find a book to hook me and I haven‘t really wanted to read this week. I am not okay with this. So I decided to read one of my favorite authors who‘s books are always amazing. Here‘s to hoping to kick the reading funk!
Review is up on my blog. Check it out. Jill Shalvis is such a hoot. https://reecaspieces.com/2020/01/21/almost-just-friends-by-jill-shalvis-jillshal... @WilliamMorrowBooks
I loved this one, just like I love every Jill Shalvis book I read! In particular, I loved the sibling relationships and the flawed characters-Shalvis is so good at writing these things. Also loved that the lake played such a big part in the story. Works perfectly as a standalone even though it is #4 in the series!!
ALSO: this is my son‘s new dog, Bear, making his debut on Litsy. I read part of the book while he napped! My family‘s first dog.
Just finished an e copy of this book and, shared an advanced hard copy in my little free library. This book is part of a series but can read well as a standalone.
Gavin sure knows what he‘s talking about. Chocolate chips do NOT get measured at my house.
Can‘t remember the last time I spent a day just relaxing and reading at home. I had a good trip over break (Caribbean cruise) but it‘s not the same kind of relaxing you get at home.
Where is that 24in48 readathon when I need one? 😜